17 February 2008

Hyvää Ystävänpäivää!!!

OK, so I guess it's a little late for that, but still....

Things have been incredibly busy here , and I don't think they will lighten up at all in the coming weeks! It's pretty packed going to and from Creteil every day...I don't really mind it, but man, I have NO desire to work when I get back in the evenings...so needless to say I've had a lot of catch-up work these past weekends. But I've still been doing some fun things in between, because it's not good either just to work all the time! Work and classes are both going well, and Mom will be here in like 2 weeks, so YAAAAAY!!!! Also, starting the 23rd are my 'winter holidays' from work for 2 weeks. I'll have the first week of March off from Censier and nothing off from Creteil. So weird the way these things work here...

Last weekend I went out on Saturday with my friend Adam, he's from near Krakow and I met him in European studies. I can't remember if I mentioned him before...either way he's going to go to the US next year to study in California or in NY, so he makes me speak English so he can practice. It was SUCH a nice day, so we went over to this park in the 19th, le parc de Buttes Chaumont, which is totally awesome. It's huge, I'm not entirely sure how it's set up but there are a bunch of hills and a lake and rock structures and stuff. It was really great. Then we walked around that neighborhood a little bit, had a drink in a bar next to the Canal St Martin, which I hadn't seen before, and then I went back. It was really nice to get out with someone who I don't usually hang out with, and also to see a part of town that I don't know at all! On Sunday I went to see Anne's competition, where she did a duo, not a team, with a girl named Emilie that I met at the tournament at the end of last year. I thought their routine was so cool, but the other two duos were cleaner, so they were third. It was really neat to watch, though, there are so many neat things they do as a pair!

The week was good, normal...lots of school, lots of work...at Victor Hugo on Tuesday, they had crepes for lunch because the 4e E, apparently a terrible class, wasn't there...it seemed kind of strange but the crepes were good so it was nice! On Thursday I went to lunch with Amel, we wanted to get veggie couscous but they put meat in with the vegetables so we got salads instead, which was a little bit boring but okay anyway (better than meat...). Friday I saw Anne in the morning, when she told me to not waste my time even going to London, that I should really just spend all the money and time in Ireland....which is kind of where I'm leaning anyway. I guess we'll see, that trip's to be planned next!

On Saturday Guillaume from Victor Hugo (he teaches physical sciences) invited me out with his friend Audrey, we walked around Paris for a really long time, right next to the Seine, it was so nice. Then we went and had coffee, which was also lovely. They are both really nice and not creepy, I promise. :-) Today I went to the market and got lovely things to make tofu scramble only to come back to find that the tofu was totally gross, so I just ate the vegetables instead. Otherwise I have just been working all day! Being veeerrry productive, it's lovely.

I guess it's not the most interesting post in the world, but it has been a good few weeks since I've been back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, thanks for the reassurance that you're not hanging out with "creepy" people! Sorry to hear that your tofu was gros......I LOVE YOU!! 16 DAYS!!